Thursday, January 15, 2009


Okay - so I came up with this crazy new years resolution to give up soda, or should I say CAFFEINE!! I got to feeling guilty when I read an article in the Ensign and one in the New Era on caffeine. I rationalized for a LONG while and convinced myself that I really didn't have that big of a problem but it kept really bugging me, so I decided in 2009 I was going to be Caffeine free (except for Chocolate - that will never happen:) Let me just tell you that it has been one of the hardest things that I have ever done. I had a terrible( and I mean terrible) headache for about 10 days. I slept sitting up because if I tried to lie down I thought my head was going to blow!! There was a couple of times in the night when I thought Tim was going to have to drive me to the E.R.. I have since discovered and learned that I probably should have tried to wean myself off of it, although I think that would have been a challenge for me, because I seem to be an "ALL OR NOTHIN" kind of gal!! It has been a lot harder then I thought and the craving is still there. I guess you could say I have an ADDICTION!! Just thinking about what my body and mind (and spirit) has gone through the last 2 weeks in an effort to get off the stuff is enough for me to say" I will never go there again"!!!!


Aunt Tiff said...

WAY TO GO SIS!!!! Keep it up! you are such an example!

ClayandAmeeHensley said...

Congrats. You are doing something that I have tried before. I do good for a while and then 1 or 2 slip back in and then I am hooked again. Good luck your doing great.

JENNE said...

You need to replace caffine with AWAKINGS. It is an all natural kind of thing - no caffine - but other pick me up herbs,and vitamins, etc. It is the only thing that when I take them I can really feel it. I do not know about you, but when I get up in the morning, I need a boost. This works I promise. I will send you some if you can't find them in your area. You have to replace the energy you got from caffine - or else you will go back. Believe me I know. Keep up the fight!

Anonymous said...

Yes, press forward Slades.... Sure love your family and your Blog, expecially the picture of all of you in front of the Center Piece, The Snowflake Temple..... Love You All..... Uncle Jack & Aunt Val

Deni said...


Good for you! It's amazing how it is the small things that are hard to give up sometimes.

You will do great! I have had MAYBE two sips of carbonated water in 16 years. It is hard at first, but you will find that over time you won't want it, and if you do have it, you won't like it.

troy and melani said...

That is too funny, I could have written this same entry in my blog!!! The EXACT same thing! Except for the part of not slipping, I have done it several times..Im not as strong as you..Yeah Amee, glad to hear she slips up too! haha..keep up the good work, good for you!!!

Anonymous said...

I just now discovered you had a blog. Yay! Good for you to make that resolution... I can only imagine how hard it would be! Sure do love you guys!