Saturday was our 23rd Wedding Anniversary!!!! The majority of our anniversaries have been spent at football games. I must admit that at times I have been a little bitter or resentful of the fact that football takes precedence over our MARRIAGE!!! I have had plenty of PITTY parties trying to work through it and this is what I have discovered...
***Our marriage is better when we play on the same team, I have a tendency to always want to play on the DEFENSE!!
***Our marriage has experienced a few penalties -ROUGHING THE KICKER - OFF SIDES - UNNECESSARY ROUGHNESS - UN SPORTSMAN LIKE CONDUCT - HOLDING - ILLEGAL USE OF THE HANDS - FACE MASK - CLIPPING -(I definitely have had a few of these called on me through the years)!!!!
***When Christ is the CENTER of our marriage, it doesn't matter who's the QB!
***Our children have become our biggest FANS!!!
***Walking off the FIELD and quiting is never an option!!!
I love you Tim and I am so grateful that I was your "FIRST DRAFT PICK"!!!!
I didnt know we had the same anniversary as you! Happy Anniversary, it looks like we picked a good day to get married! You guys are an awesome couple!
I have a beautiful picture of you wedding in my file do you want me to post it for you?? Hasn't it flown by. Craziness!
Happy Anniversary!
That was the cutest post I have read in a long time. I should let you know that I look at your blog often from Tiff's and I just love it. You are so adorable and say the cutest things. Tim is a very lucky man too.
Well Said!!! You left out "TRAVELING"...Oh wait...WRONG SPORT:) You guys are awesome! Sure glad Tim is my brotherinlaw!! Happy Anniversary to you guys!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE THIS POST! What a CLEVER tribute to your awesome hubs! I would have had plenty of pity parties if I were in your shoes, too. You're not the only one that has to learn all those lessons. You're just talented to state them in such a cute way. I'd say you should be the QB.
Happy anniversary! That was so cute I wanted to cry. My hubby isn't a coach but I feel like I have had a few of the same penalties. Thank goodness they are worth it right!
I love your posts!! And I LOVE you!! I miss you my friend!! Happy late anniversary!!
That is SUCH a CUTE post! I love it. You are amazing, and I would have never thought of you to have a pitty party. You are always smiling and happy! You guys are great examples!
WOW I didn't know you and Tim were just like Reese and I. I need to really work on some things. I love this post. It makes me look forward to another day trying to make things stronger and better.
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