Monday, November 16, 2009


Saturday was our 23rd Wedding Anniversary!!!! The majority of our anniversaries have been spent at football games. I must admit that at times I have been a little bitter or resentful of the fact that football takes precedence over our MARRIAGE!!! I have had plenty of PITTY parties trying to work through it and this is what I have discovered...
***Our marriage is better when we play on the same team, I have a tendency to always want to play on the DEFENSE!!
***Our marriage has experienced a few penalties -ROUGHING THE KICKER - OFF SIDES - UNNECESSARY ROUGHNESS - UN SPORTSMAN LIKE CONDUCT - HOLDING - ILLEGAL USE OF THE HANDS - FACE MASK - CLIPPING -(I definitely have had a few of these called on me through the years)!!!!
***When Christ is the CENTER of our marriage, it doesn't matter who's the QB!
***Our children have become our biggest FANS!!!
***Walking off the FIELD and quiting is never an option!!!
I love you Tim and I am so grateful that I was your "FIRST DRAFT PICK"!!!!
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troy and melani said...

I didnt know we had the same anniversary as you! Happy Anniversary, it looks like we picked a good day to get married! You guys are an awesome couple!

JENNE said...

I have a beautiful picture of you wedding in my file do you want me to post it for you?? Hasn't it flown by. Craziness!
Happy Anniversary!

Karleen said...

That was the cutest post I have read in a long time. I should let you know that I look at your blog often from Tiff's and I just love it. You are so adorable and say the cutest things. Tim is a very lucky man too.

Aunt Tiff said...

Well Said!!! You left out "TRAVELING"...Oh wait...WRONG SPORT:) You guys are awesome! Sure glad Tim is my brotherinlaw!! Happy Anniversary to you guys! said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE THIS POST! What a CLEVER tribute to your awesome hubs! I would have had plenty of pity parties if I were in your shoes, too. You're not the only one that has to learn all those lessons. You're just talented to state them in such a cute way. I'd say you should be the QB.

tenney_fam said...

Happy anniversary! That was so cute I wanted to cry. My hubby isn't a coach but I feel like I have had a few of the same penalties. Thank goodness they are worth it right!

The Reidheads said...

I love your posts!! And I LOVE you!! I miss you my friend!! Happy late anniversary!!

Hall Family said...

That is SUCH a CUTE post! I love it. You are amazing, and I would have never thought of you to have a pitty party. You are always smiling and happy! You guys are great examples!

Marinda said...

WOW I didn't know you and Tim were just like Reese and I. I need to really work on some things. I love this post. It makes me look forward to another day trying to make things stronger and better.