Saturday, June 20, 2009


What an amazing man my father is. He stole my heart many, many years ago. He has loved me unconditionally and has been a great provider, exemplar, teacher and patriarch. I love many things about my daddy.

I love his beautiful blue eyes.
I love his hands and I am grateful for the many hours of service his hands have rendered.
I love listening to his stories and life experiences.
I love singing with him.
I love his garden and appreciate him sharing it with us (especially the corn).
I love how he loves my mother.
I love his corny little sayings and the funny faces he makes.
I love his testimony and appreciate his example of Christ like living.

Happy Fathers Day - I hope you know how much I love and adore you!!!
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1 comment:

Porter Prodigies II said...

Oh Jami, you are so blessed to have the Father you have. I too have looked up to him in many things, his service, his corny sayings and goofy faces! He is an incredible man for sure, and he and your mom have raised some amazing children. Please give him a big squeeze from me and tell him I love him! Happy Fathers Day Pappa T.