Friday, April 11, 2014

Better late than never!!

I haven't blogged in forever.  Life has a way of quickly passing by.  Here are some pictures that I LOVE! 

Rudger - I just love that sweet little face.

Halloween is not my favorite holiday but we try to have a little fun.  Thanks Aunt Tara for painting all the kids faces:)
Two little lady bugs!
Mary had her 10th birthday!  We LOVE this girl - she's the best!

We took a trip to the Valley with our good friends and the girls got their ears pierced for their birthdays.  They didn't even cry:)

Yep - this little guy turned ONE - he is so stinkin FUN!!

Love, Love, Love this picture - it was right after our state football game.  She melts her granddad's heart.

Well, you can tell by the look on Brock's face that the Mustangs didn't get the WIN - they had a great season though and starting on varsity as a sophomore isn't too shabby!

If this picture doesn't make you HAPPY then I don't know what will.  This cutie turned THREE - she is a sassy little booger but oh how we adore her!!

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