Monday, December 20, 2010


Gracilyn Mallory was born (early) Sunday 12-19-10
6 lbs 9 0z 20 inches long

We couldn't wait to meet her - as soon as church was over we were on our way.

It is as if I am looking at Carly (22 years ago) all over again.

She is the BEST Christmas present ever!! We are so grateful that all went well. I pretty much pulled an all nighter worrying about her mommy until she arrived safely. They would call me with updates but everything, especially the time seemed to be moving in slow motion. Carly arrived at the hospital a little before 1:00 am and she was born around 4:30 am, not to shabby for a first time mom. I ran into the bedroom with my cell phone to show Tim a picture. I was telling him, "She's Here, She's Here" and Tim thought I meant Carly was at the front door needing to be let in hahaha - he was oblivious to what was going on and I had been an absolute mess the whole night!!! Our cup runneth over!!
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troy and melani said...

Oh congratulations!!! she is sooo adorable! What a wonderful christmas present to the sweet couple! December babies are the best, thats why we had 2! haha. Such a sweetie.

Boston, Kati, Katelyn, Canon, and Temperance said...

Yeah she is beautiful Jess and I have some fun things for that little one!

cturley said...

Congrats to ALL!! She is soooo dang cute. You will be such a fun Grandma :)

Deni said...

She is beautiful. Congratulations to you all. Merry Christmas.

JaredandKatie said...

She is so beautiful!! I am so happy for everyone, what a wonderful Christmas present!!

Aunt Tiff said...

I can't believe you are a Grandma!!! She is absolutely beautiful!!!

Camille Parry said...

Congratulations Grandma!! She is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! But, then again what could we expect from such a beautiful lineage of women!!! I am so happy for you all/

The Reidheads said...

Oh Jamilyn!! Being Gramma is so amazing is it not? We are SO blessed! She is darling!! Congratulations to you all!! Love ya my friend!!

tenney_fam said...

You are the hottest grannie I know!! She is so adorable! Glad it all went well!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!! Congrats! We are so excited for all of you.

{nicole coombs} said...

She is beautiful. Congrats! You guys are way to young to have a grandbaby!!