Monday, May 3, 2010

RAGNAR VICTORY!!! I finally get it!

Heather is getting ready to hand off to me - My first leg was 7.7 miles !!

I ran by strawberry fields and sod farms. It was sooo hot - I was drenched by the time I was done.

This picture was taken after all of our first legs were finished. Hurray - only 2 more legs to go!! Our 2nd legs we ran at night, it was intense and at times pretty scarey but a huge sense of accomplishment. We ran our 3rd legs early the next morning, we were exhausted, running on little to no sleep but so worth it:)

I love this pic - This was the order that we ran in and our amazing drivers.
What an accomplishment!!!
On Sunday on the way back home, I turned to Tim and told him that I finally get what it is all about. I grew up in a family of boys and watched them play in championship games and then married a man that played and coached in championship games and I finally understand the feeling of "sweet victory"!! I understand what it feels like to work extremely hard for something - give it all you've got - hold nothing back - leave it all on the field (so to speak). The experience leaves you with so much love and admiration for your team mates and incredible respect for your coaches. Running this Ragnar has been an experience of a lifetime. It has been one of the hardest things I have ever done but the most rewarding. I love the smell of victory and believe me it has a smell:) Would I do it again?? In a heart beat - this stuffs addicting!!!
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Aunt Tiff said...

AMEN!! So proud of you! Thanks for keeping me going!!!

Deni said...

I am SO Proud of you and just so jealous!! Congratulations on this accomplishment. You can do anything! Way to go ladies.

lori said...

I'm so glad to hear you would do it again, because my wheels are turning for our next adventure. You rocked this race!

cturley said...

Congrats to you!!!!! What an amazing accomplishment! You inspire me:)

Anonymous said...

You did awesome! It was fun share the victory with you - just wish we could have seen you guys a little more.