Friday, November 15, 2013


"Aim high, but do not aim so high that you totally miss the target.  What really matters is that he will love you, that he will respect you, that he will honor you, that he will be absolutely true to you, that he will give you the freedom of expression and let you fly in the development of your own talents.  He is not going to be perfect, but if he is kind and thoughtful, if he knows how to work and earn a living, if he is honest and full of faith, the chances are you will not go wrong, that you will be immensely happy."              Gordon B. Hinckley

THANKS Tim -Happy 27th Anniversary - I love you!!
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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Aunt Val!!

I am going to miss this beautiful lady.  How grateful I am for her love and example.  I have been blessed with amazing Aunts throughout my life and she is one of them.  She truly is a virtuous woman.  I have admired her for years and appreciate the things that she has taught me.  When I was younger we had the opportunity to have her family live with us for a few months.  I remember her always being so helpful to my mom as they lived in our home.  She put herself in charge of the laundry!!!  Who would volunteer to do that, especially for so many people???  She loved it and stayed up on it everyday.  She was a quiet lady, I never heard her raise her voice at anyone. Oh how I wish I could be more like that:) She was constantly serving others.  I was a recipient of her service many times.  When we lived in Heber (the first time) I taught a singing - dancing group called Sunshine Generation.  One time after a practice at the school gym I got into my car and a beautiful little girls dress and little boys vest (that matched) were hanging up in my car with a note that said "I love you and appreciate all that you do".  I asked around and called different people and no one confessed to leaving it there.  It was a few months later while sitting in Sacrament Mtg that my Aunt Val walked in with her family.  As they shuffled into the pew I noticed that my cousin Nicole had a beautiful Christmas dress on with a sash made out of the same material as the dress and vest that was left in my car!!!!  I knew right then that she was the one:)  After the meeting I went up to her and gave her the biggest HUG and told her I knew she was the one who made those things for my kids.  She just smiled and said "I don't know what you are talking about".  She was  amazing that way - always quietly giving of her time.  Oh how I wish I could be more like that!!!!  My Uncle Jack has been our home teacher for about 9 years now.  She would faithfully come with him as his companion.  They took such an interest in our kids, constantly asking about their interests and how they did in the game the night before or how they were doing in school.  Oh how I wish I could be more like that!!!  I admired her desire to serve the Lord.  She was committed to attending the Temple every week and doing genealogy.  Someday I hope to be able to do that!!!!  One time in Sacrament Mtg we were sitting behind them, as we started to sing the sacrament hymn, she turned around, patted my leg and said "thank you for sitting behind me, I love hearing you sing".  She made me feel so special that day!! Oh I want to be more like that!!  I had the privilege and honor of making flower arrangements for her funeral.  I felt a lot of stress and pressure because I wanted the flowers to be perfect.  I worried and stressed over her casket spray.  Who would have thought that designing flowers can strengthen your testimony.  I know that Heavenly Father loves all of his children and is happy when they return home to him.  I have felt his love and spirit many times as I have arranged funeral flowers.  And this past weekend was no different, there was a beautiful spirit in my shop for hours on end. Aunt Val was with us a few times, I know, because I felt her love!!!!  I am so thankful for the gospel, for the things I KNOW and for eternal families!!!  Love you Aunt Val!!

When I grow up - I want to be just like YOU:)
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The Birthday Girl!!

Happy Birthday MJ!!! 
We LOVE you.
Can't belive how fast you have grown.
You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Glad that you are part of your forever family:)
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Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Love, Love, Love this boy!!!  It is a privilege to be his mom and I am grateful for the things he teaches me each and every day:)  I appreciate his ability to love and to forgive. I love his unique way of looking at things and the stories he tells.  If you ever have a LONG road trip to take just invite Nate:) We are BLESSED to have him as a member of our family.

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Carly

This is one of my FAVORITE pictures of Carly with my dad - he actually was having a little tea party with her.  This picture was taken when we lived in Las Cruses NM and my parents surprised us with a visit!!!

This is at a family reunion 22 years later.

I am so grateful for this girl - what a blessing she has been in my life - so thankful that Heavenly Father sent her first - she has been tremendous help through the years - she is beautiful inside and out - she is WISE beyond her years - talented in many ways -she is a great mommy - and one of my bff's!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!!   We love you:)
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Massachusetts Bound!!

It has already been 6 weeks for this boy and yesterday (8-28) he head out into the mission field.

This pic is sooo Macky - always looking for ways to have FUN!

Macky called us yesterday morning from the airport - it was such a treat to hear his voice.  We put him on speaker phone and all of us were able to visit with him.  You could definitely see, hear and feel the hand of the Lord in his behalf.  He bore his testimony to us in Spanish before he hung up and it was amazing!!  It was one of those moments for me where I was so overcome with gratitude.  Grateful for him and his desire to serve the Lord. Grateful to be his mother.  Grateful for the missionary program and the blessings that come to families because of it.  Grateful for the growth that has come to Macky in just 6 weeks. Grateful for the Gift of Tongues. Grateful to know that Heavenly Father is mindful of ALL of his children. Grateful to feel his love daily in my life:)

Macky we LOVE you and are soooo HAPPY for you to FINALLY get to MA!!!!
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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Elder Joseph Mckay Slade -Massachusetts Boston Mission

Missionary........Someone who spends time away from loved ones
so others can spend eternity with theirs!!!!
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Happy 16th Brock!!!

On the evening of July 4th we had a surprise birthday party for Brock!!
He had NO idea and surprising him was totally AWESOME!!!!

Two of his favorite peeps - Reed Hancock and cousin Emma!

Lots of CUTE girls were in attendance:)

We had root beer floats and Brocks favorite...Ice Cream Cake - yum!!

This kid is such a blessing and I appreciate the roll that he plays in our family.  He was my baby for a  long time and it is hard to believe that 16 yrs have gone by so quickly.  Through the years we have teased him and called him Nephi, he truly exemplifies Nephi like qualities and I appreciate his obedience and desire to do whats right!!!  Happy Birthday Brock We Love YOU 
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Thursday, July 25, 2013

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission!!!

I needed to blog about this boy finally leaving on his mission.
He has been anxiously waiting for July 17th to get here.
We took him to Sky Harbor and said our goodbyes and boy it was TOUGH!
You are dealing with your own emotions and it is a tender thing to witness your children say their own goodbyes - it was really difficult for ALL but very grateful for his willingness, worthiness and example!!!

We LOVE and miss you  - Elder Joseph Mckay Slade!!! 
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Pure Heaven!!! Grateful for gifts that are sent straight from above:)
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

1A All Star Game - GO #88

Macky was selected to participate in a 1A All Star Game.  It was a treat to watch him play again.  We LOVE this game and all the life lessons you can learn from it!!!!

Nice catch Mac!!!

Love my boys - OLD 

and YOUNG 

Macky made a lot of new friends - he really enjoyed all the boys from Pima.  Every boy in this picture is mission bound - I thought that was super COOL!!

Do they look like each other or what?!?  
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Summer Time, Memory Making FUN!!

So - my husband got this wild hair brained idea to buy and OLD boat!!! He spent hours on line looking and looking, searching and searching.  I must say I was a little (okay a lot) perturbed at him for doing so but he kept on insisting that it was for "making memories".

As you can see, he was RIGHT - yes - I admit it :)
We have had a great time and look forward to making many more memories together!
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Macky's Month of Celebration!!!

Macky had a busy month of May -  Senior Trip, Seminary Graduation and High School Graduation.  We are super proud of this boy and his accomplishments.  He had the privilege of being president of the seminary.  He did a good job and was blessed everyday to have released time and learn and grow in the gospel.

These are a few of his classmates.  For years Macky was the only LDS boy in his class until the middle of the year when Syler Skousen moved into town - he was grateful for that.  We are very thankful for Pres. Whipple and all that he does for our youth - they truly love and respect the man!!

On May 24, 2013 Macky graduated from M.H.S.!!

Macky had the privilege of being awarded the Frank and Donna Greer scholarship for $1000.00.  It is awarded to a student who will be furthering their education in the education field.  Macky wants to go into education and eventually be an athletic director. They are willing to hold this scholarship for him until he gets back from his mission.  We are grateful for the Greers and the service they have rendered in behalf of education, our schools and community.  They are an amazing family!!

I love this picture!!  Cousins are such a blessing and these two girls are beautiful inside and out!!!
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